

Since 1996, when the company was first established, Starlink grew rapidly through the emerging Saudi Arabian Industrial Sectors i.e Oil, Petrochemical, Utility, Health, etc. and even Military.





Starlink  Establishment

Starlink Middle East was established in AL-Khobar, Saudi Arabia.


Saudi Iron and Steel Co (HADEED)

SAP Implementation and subsequent migration


Saudi Methanol Co. (AR-RAZI)

SAP implementation, modifications and customisation

SAP training, tuning and migration


Royal Commission

Madeenah Water Authority

Systems analysis and testing, Y2K compliance and training, Oracle 8.0 training

Systems analysis and testing, Y2K compliance and training


Jubail Industrial College

Saudi Iron and Steel Co (HADEED)

Implementation of Edu-Ware Software

Migration to SAP 4.6b


Migration to SAP 4.6b

Material Master Data Cleansing Project  for 700 000 line items ; over 80 engineers, system programmers, technicians and analysts provided

Conducted SAP Training

Included in one of 8 approved companies  to provide advanced IT skills to Saudi Aramco

Awarded a Cataloguing Data Cleansing & Imaging Project for 610,000 line items


Awarded a Cataloguing Data Improvement & Imaging Project  for        

500,000 line items

To supply miscellaneous Technical Services (supply professionals in all skills)


Contracted to catalogue and data cleanse and image 50,000 line items


Awarded their data cleansing project for 40,000 items



Contracted to catalogue and cleanse 70,000 items and install Starlink’s content management tool

Equipment & Spares Cataloguing 

Contracted to manage their Equipment and BOM Linkage Operation

MRO Spares and Equipment Cataloguing


MRO Spares and Equipment Cataloguing and Hierarchy


Strategic Procurement System Implementation ( JAGGAER / BRAVO)


Industrial Assets Review Walkdown and Tagging from Maintenance an financial respective
Implementation of NCB, National Codification Bauru
MRO Spares and Equipment Cataloguing and Hierarchy
Equipment & Spares Cataloguing


Data Cleansing Project for over 700,000 materials line items

Nature of project

Project value implemented for all 18 Sabic companies including SABIC overseas affiliates. Supply of over 80 electrical, mechanical and instrumental engineers, system programmers, analyst and technicians.


Data Cleansing Project for over 500,000 materials line items

Nature of project

Implementation for all Saudi Electricity company’s subsidiaries. Over 40 mechanical, electrical and instrumental engineers, system programmers, analyst and technicians are contracted to do the job..


Data Cleansing Project for over 50,000 materials line items

Nature of project

Date Cleansing & Material Classification  of 45,000 line items done in phase-I and Data Cleansing &   Content Enrichment via Walkdown, Web-source and other sources (i.e. catalogues, drawings, MFR CDs, etc.) during phase-II through SLME Engineers. Bin locations at 15 warehouses in the Kingdom were arranged.


Data Cleansing Project for over 40,000 materials line items

Nature of project

Data Cleansing & Enrichment Thru. EDV/WD & Imaging:  Description re-construction, product classification, data cleansing and data enrichment of 36,367 material line items. Creating digital images for 2,000 Zamil Steel selected material line items stored in various Zamil Steel’s warehouses within Dammam, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.


Data Cleansing Project for over 70,000 materials line items

Nature of project

Data Cleansing & Enrichment Thru. EDV/WD & Imaging:  Description re-construction, product classification, data cleansing and data enrichment of 70,000 material line items.  Imaging for 7,000 line items and installation of e-Lamp, Starlink’s Content Management Tool and integrating it with ATHC’s ERP, SAP (Live Integration)


Professional Skills Supply

Nature of Project

Included in one of 8 approved companies to provide advanced IT skills to Saudi Aramco


Professional Skills Supply

Nature of Project

To supply miscellaneous Technical Services (supply professionals in all skills)


Cataloguing of equipments and spares

Nature of Project

Equipment & Spares Cataloguing 


Cataloguing of equipments and spares

Nature of Project

  • Coordinating, Reviewing, Cataloging and scanning services of Spare Parts Data Package (SPDP)
  • MRO Material Masters Maintenance, Service Master Creation and Data Enrichment, Data Review and Enrichment for new B2B agreements and Data Maintenance for B2B existing agreements
  • Coordination and Linkage of Equipment & Bill of Materials (BOM) to Proponent’s plant

– Project Started January 2019 to Present


Equipment & BOM Cataloguing

Nature of Project

To create MPC’s Asset register of materials for their plants including materials handling services.

Project started January 2012 and will be for six months contract


Industrial Fixed Assets Review

Nature of Project

  • Provide a physical count of the fixed assets and scrapped assets in all sites and reconcile the count to the asset register
  • Review of Description, classification and Categorization as per MPC’s Asset policy and IFRS Standards
  • Grouping of assets to comply with financial policy of components based capitalization
  • Access to MPC’s Financial policy for components based capitalization
  • Printing and tagging missing and worn out tags on identified assets
  • Review of useful lives and Depreciation Rate and adjustment
  • Review and provide an update on the asset control process and procedure of MPC
  • Identify and classify spares that requires capitalization to Fixed Assets as per the financial policy
  • Review and provide an update on the Capital Spares and repairable items

– Project started in August 2019 and continued


Data Cleansing for MRO spares and Equipment

Nature of project

To create, cleanse and catalogue Samapco’s MRO Material Master and Equipment Material Master and create and manage Equipment / BOM Linkage


MRO Cataloguing & W/house Management

Nature of Project

MRO Spares and Equipment Cataloguing and Hierarchy


MRO Cataloguing & W/house Management

Nature of Project

Provide and install a catalogue and inventory solution / software to maintain and sustain Master Item Catalogue and Inventory and Warehouses’ balances

  • Establish and maintain a Master Catalogue that includes all item classes according to the international standards and The Client’s local requirements
  • Perform the physical inventory of warehouses, including barcoding and photographing, and populate the Master Catalogue

–  Project started from June 2019 and continued


Equipment & Spares Data Cataloguing

Nature of project

Coordinating, reviewing, cataloguing and scanning services of Spare Parts Data Package (SPDP).  Project started early 2015 and was finished late 2017


Strategic Procurement

Nature of Project

Starlink and in conjunction with Jaggaer implemented following modules at REPDO: e-Procurement Portal, eSourcing Module, Vendor Management, Supplier Value Management and Analytics Module

– Projected started in January, 2017 and continued


Codification Services

Nature of Project

NCB aims to build an availability, reliability and centralization of industrial information Center, where it will be the key driver to assist relevant parties to take appropriate decisions that will support achieving the 2030 vision Starlink is therefore contracted to operate the NCB under Codification & supervision in addition to Stakeholder Support and training

– Project started July, 2019 and continued


Strategic Procurement

Nature of project

GHC awarded Starlink a contract to engage Jaggaer for designing, developing, implementing, testing, deploying and maintaining a commercially of the shelf for the Central Registration and the Gulf Joint Procurement Directorates

– Project started in September, 2018 and continued