- Material Data is an essential factor for the successful functioning of enterprise and its resources. Starlink’s e-LAMP tool enables organization to maximize such benefits by providing end-to-end solutions to effectively create, manage, and leverage this materials data.
- Catalog content management is a fundamental requirement of any purchasing organization, which wants to, or already has implemented ERP/SRM solutions. Quality of inventory data content is critical for efficient eProcurement and accurate spend analysis.
- Starlink Middle East, with its rich experience in content management field for the past 10 years has developed a tool with optimum Functionalities in the data cleansing and content management system.

- e-LAMP’s powerful features include item creation, efficient search, standard/custom reports and universal standard categorization. In addition e-LAMP has ability to display attachments such as any graphics, documents and weblinks and can successfully perform in network environments.
- The tool also allows super user to control authorization of normal users. With its exceptional searching methodology the users can search with reference of vendor details, plant, Class codes in various status.
- e-LAMP has built in database management facility by allowing users to update parameters completely while maintaining the consistency and integrity of their catalog database. For example, if in one record the characteristic value “stainless steel” is changed to “SS”, that modification can be changed throughout the database in one click.
- Equipment downtime reduced
- Avoid false stock-outs
- Identification of potential duplicates
- Increase in efficient use of resources