
Nato Codification

NATO Codification is the Global Language of Logistics. It is the primary means of Item Identification and Management used by over 60 NATO and non-NATO nations worldwide.


Our services include the following:

The NATO Codification System contributes to equipment standardization efforts, which support interoperability where weapon systems spare parts can be identified as being fully interchangeable with others.

A national, NATO centric and international wide knowledge of all available military assets and resources allows for:

An accurate description of the items permits users to readily find equipment, which meets their requirements and accomplish replenishment without delay. The use of a common language simplifies the technical dialogue between users. Maximum use of coded data allows language independent communications. The use of computer technology allows the recording, processing, and transmitting of identification and management data through easily accessible databases.

The existence of a fully codified stockholding database allows designers and project managers to screen for parts which are already stocked in the supply system and which could be used, rather than introducing a new item. This practice reduces the variety of items to be managed and eliminates unnecessary costs for experimentation, identification, storage and other related supply functions. Approximately 50% of the components used in the design of all new equipment are already codified.

A widespread knowledge of spare parts used within the Armed Forces allows purchasing agencies to:

The system contributes to the standardization of the range of equipment performing the same functions, thus reducing the number of spare parts required to manage each weapon system. The cancellation of duplicates reduces the stock levels and generates savings in storage space, handling assets and personnel. Descriptions of items enable design engineers to accurately search for and select components or equipment meeting technical or functional characteristics more efficiently than with any commercial catalogue. Relations and understanding between governments (purchaser) and manufacturers (provider) are greatly enhanced by the use of a common language.

The NCS includes a system for identifying and tracking commercial vendors. Combined with procurement systems, managers can systematically track critical information such as past performance by the contractor, addresses and telephone numbers, and political/social data (such as geographical distribution of vendors and manufacturers within a nation.

Logisticians can use the NCS to determine past sources for purchases of the item of supply. This can be useful when items are difficult to obtain.

When a company’s reference number is recorded on an item of supply in the NATO Master Catalogue of References for Logistics (NMCRL), it is visible to other nations as a potential source for that item. Thus, the company’s opportunity for sales is improved and their level of Business intelligence can be increased.

The accurate descriptions (characteristics, specifications and drawings) found in the supply system disclosing varieties, types and dimensions for items of supply facilitate the work of standardization agencies responsible for developing guidelines.

The in-depth knowledge of the composition of materials, through detailed descriptions, promotes proper hazardous material handling recycling activities that will ensure the protection of the environment and avoid prohibitive restoration costs of polluted sites. This information also ensures required demilitarization activities of military equipment.

Track important information: The system makes it easier for logisticians to recognise whether precious metals may be embedded in a supply item, whether it is hazardous to the environment, or of such high value that it requires special storage procedures. Data in the system can also alert users when supply items may be susceptible to harm during storage or transportation, thus requiring special handling.

The system makes it easier for logisticians to recognise whether precious metals may be embedded in a supply item, whether it is hazardous to the environment, or of such high value that it requires special storage procedures. Data in the system can also alert users when supply items may be susceptible to harm during storage or transportation, thus requiring special handling.

The following projects provide evidence of Starlink ME's capability to supply Nato Codification Services and Support to major Saudi clients:-


Saudi Arabian National Guard​


Saudi National Codification Bauru​


Saudi Arabian National Guard extension of 77,000 equipment and materials Data Cleansing, Cataloguing and imaging.